Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dementia from the inside

I thought I'd post a link to a Slate article today. It's a rather long piece, reprinted from the Georgia Review, and I am only halfway through it, but I didn't think you should have to wait on me. It's written by Gerda Saunders, and is an account of her own decline, after witnessing a similar descent by her own mother. It is very well written and an excellent eyewitness report. Here is Dementia: Telling Who I am Before I Forget.

Monday, March 10, 2014

An Excerpt from The Guardian of All Things, by Michael S. Malone

I just found this featured at Delancey Place, which sends out a diverse selection of emails if you want to sign up. This piece talks about how much we know about the physical basis of memory and how much we don't. You can find it HERE . There is a pretty cool little video of movement inside the brain as well.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Alzheimer's related deaths have been underreported

They US Against Alzheimer's group has just pointed me to a new article published in the journal Neurology, which cites that deaths with Alzheimer's related components are far higher than previously established. Right up there with cancer and heart disease, US Against Alzheimer's say that the disease gets a tiny fraction of the funding.

Here's a link to their petition to Congress to get more funding for research.

And here's a layperson friendly article on the new research findings.